Bio of the presenter: He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the São Paulo State University, Unesp-Bauru. He holds a bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the São Paulo State University (2002), a master's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of São Carlos (2005), a PhD in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas (2008), and post-doctorates in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas (2009), Harvard University (2015), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2025). He is a senior editor of the journal IEEE Signal Processing Letters, as well as a member of the editorial boards of the journals Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, and International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. He is co-editor of a book on metaheuristic optimization, and has collaborations with several international institutions. He was a visiting professor at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (Germany), Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science at Unesp, as well as a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Brazilian representative and Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, and senior IEEE member. He was a full member of the Special Committee on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (CEGRAPI) from 2015 to 2018. He has experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Computer Systems, working mainly on the following topics: image processing, machine learning and pattern recognition. He is currently chair of the IEEE Task Force on Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management.
Bio of the presenter: Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque (Senior Member of IEEE) is currently a Professor and Senior Researcher at the Department of Teleinformatics Engineering (DETI)/Graduate Program in Teleinformatics Engineering (PPGETI) at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil. He earned a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB, 2010), a MSc in Teleinformatics Engineering from the PPGETI/UFC (UFC, 2007). He completed a BSE in Mechatronics Engineering at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Ceará (CEFETCE, 2006). He has experience in Biomedical Science and Engineering, mainly in the research fields of: Applied Computing, Intelligent Systems, Visualization and Interaction, with specific interest in Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and Analysis, as well as Automation with respect to biological signal/image processing, biomedical circuits and human/brain-machine interaction, including Augmented and Virtual Reality Simulation Modeling for animals and humans. Prof. Victor is a full Member of the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering (SBEB). He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomedical and Biological Sciences, and, also, of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, and Journal of Biological Sciences, as well as Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics; Computers in Biology and Medicine; Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine; Computational Physiology and Medicine; Applied Soft Computing; IEEE Access, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Measurement, IET Quantum Communication, and he has been Lead Guest Editor of several high-reputed journals, and TPC member of many international conferences.
Bio of the presenter: He holds a degree in Computer Engineering (2007) and a master's and doctorate in Electrical Engineering (2008 and 2012), both from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Since 2013, he has been an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) - Fortaleza Campus, where he conducts research and teaches courses in the area of control systems. He is a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE/UFC) at UFC, where he advises master's and doctoral students and has served as vice-coordinator (2015-2019) and coordinator (2019 to 2023). He is the coordinator of the Automation, Control and Robotics Research Group - GPAR/UFC. He has experience in developing Research and Development (PD) projects with companies in the Brazilian electricity sector and industry, with an emphasis on proposing automation, control and monitoring solutions for industrial and power generation plants. Areas of research interest include: digital, adaptive and robust control, modeling and control of LPV systems; identification of systems; with applications in electrical power systems, robotics, biomedical systems and different industrial systems. He is a member of the superior council of the Brazilian Society of Automation-SBA (2023-2024) and President of the Editorial Committee of SBA Events (2023-2024). He was general coordinator of the XXIV Brazilian Congress of Automation - CBA 2022 and participated in 2013 in the coordination of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation (SBAI), events promoted by SBA. He is a member of the superior council (board of governors - BOG) of the IEEE Control Systems Society, with a term (2023-2024).